Wow, well we are few days into it so far and it’s been wild. First off, everyone in the program is really cool, I’ve made it a point to talk to each of them on some kind of personal level. They are all very nice and very interesting. The French students have been very hospitable and very patient in dealing with our issues. If I was doing this without them, I would be in really bad shape and very stressed out.

So with that said, there have been some problems, especially with the housing. The first night we got in we were stunned with only having one bed to share with our roommate! In my situation we just tried to make the best with what we had, he has the mattress on the floor and I have the box spring. It’s not to bad, but since we weren’t given any detailed information about the housing other then it will be accommodating and cost a certain amount we were a little upset. Some of the others also didn’t have hot water or electricity. Now most of that is fixed, although our water pressure is almost unbearably low, no Internet, the vanity lights and our mirror hasn’t been hung yet either. I’m starting to go through withdraws by not having access to the Internet for ample time. I have to pop on in class, get what I need done to survive and then get going. It sucks because I’m used to having all my resources online ( Google ) available to research and help me get things done. Without that I’m relying on how well I can grunt my way through, murdering the French language in the mean time.