/*Tech Rant*/ Well I’ve noticed that I have been getting a ton of traffic from stumble. My average of 10 unique users per day show up to a peak of 109 the other day. I was pretty impressed to say the least. /*End Rant*/

I want to get in the habit of posting regularly, so I will try and post Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. This will also force me to do more research :-)

I have a meeting on Monday with some of the faculty from ECE Lyon and Linkoping University. It will be nice to meet them, get to ask some questions first hand to get a better idea of whats going on and start building a relationship. I’m still worried about where we are going to live in Lyon. I was talking with one of the other guys in our group and he’s in the same boat. I guess we are all in the same boat now lol. Anyways, it would be nice to know ahead of time so we can not only get a grasp on what the conditions will be like, but also I would like to start scoping out possible places to eat, hang out etc. I know Lyon has some of the best restaurants in France. Still a lot of unanswered questions that will be hammered out sooner or later. I also still haven’t gotten my passport yet. I’m getting a little antsy about that too.

Since this blog will help the future students going abroad from DePaul, I will add a page that will list some of the excursions that are planned. I’m sure this will help other students going abroad and will give you an idea of how much a trip would cost. Of course when I actually go on the excursion I will fill in the blanks and other details, probably with some pictures to go along with them.

I went to Six Flags with some friends today, not only am I dead tired, but the room will not stop spinning from the tea cups ride. I think I need to get to bed.

Good Night.