I noticed a few users signed up. Feel free to comment and get things going, although there isn’t much going on. I am open to suggestions on what you think about the site etc. I also setup Google Adsense, I wanted to do it not only to say I did it, but also I need all the help I can get. I may even setup a paypal donate link. That won’t come until there is more traffic and I’m sure that my mom isn’t the only one on the site :-) I added some pages that I will be building more on later. I am compiling my resources for France and Sweden. It well help me keep organized and will condense the best information that I have found.

On a side note, I’ve noticed more of the trends from that StreetStyle site around the city. I’m starting to think that Sweden has a that advanced emo look going on. Apparently the emo fashion trends have a large influence from the 80’s.

I have a midterm tomorrow so, Bonne nuit

p.s. I need to eat more herring to gear up for Sweden, what’s the best place to get fresh seafood in Chicago? I was thinking Fox & Obel?